
"There are no second-class workers. Everyone has the right to decent housing and a quality job."
The PTB reacts to the announcement of the federal government banning the TikTok application on the phones and computers of federal employees. A discriminatory decision, according to Nabil Boukili, PTB-PVDA deputy in charge of data protection issues.
The management of the Delhaize retail company announced that it would turn its 128 stores in Belgium into franchises, leading to a broadly supported strike movement.
Given the refusal of former Presidents of the Chamber Siegfried Bracke (N-VA, Flemish nationalist) and Herman De Croo (Open Vld, neoliberal) to reimburse the pension supplements they have received for years, the PTB-PVDA is launching a petition « Every euro must be returned », to put pressure on them.
More than 40 organisations of the Belgian platform ‘Europe for Peace & Solidarity" - among them trade unions (CSC-ACV and FGTB-ABVV), peace movements, youth organisations, NGOs and many associations - are organising a national demonstration on Sunday 26 February 2023 in Brussels. The Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA) and its youth organisations Comac and RedFox support the initiative.
Dear friends, dear comrades, I would like to start by wishing you all the best for 2023. All the best to you, your family, your children, your colleagues and your friends. This is the most important thing. Times are hard. And we're all doing the best we can.
This is the message launched by the collective of the same name, which mobilised more than 1000 people on Sunday 4th December in the streets of Brussels for its first action.
"At work, at the school gates, at the bakery... everywhere, people say that we just go from one crisis to another," observes Raoul Hedebouw, president of the PTB-PVDA. While a small group of billionaires are getting rich, a whole generation of politicians are telling the population "just insulate your house and turn down the thermostat". In other words, "sort it out yourself". It is time to get rid of these old liberal recipes and make the switch." In a book that is out today in bookstores, Raoul Hedebouw calls on people to make the switch.
From Antwerp to Liège, from Charleroi to Ghent, from Mons to Genk... the working class is sending out a clear message at their general strike this Wednesday, November 9, demanding a freeze on energy prices and the freedom to negotiate wage increases.
The PTB-PVDA launches "the revolt of the angry caps", a call to lower energy prices and make Engie pay. The left-wing party is organizing the Fridays of Rage, a weekly appointment with local actions in different cities and towns of the country, to push the government to act.